Multiscale object detection in remote sensing image by combining data fusion and feature selection
- Vol. 26, Issue 8, Pages: 1662-1673(2022)
Published: 07 August 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221249
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Published: 07 August 2022 ,
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秦登达,万里,何佩恩,张轶,郭亚,陈杰.2022.结合数据融合与特征选择的遥感影像尺度多样目标检测.遥感学报,26(8): 1662-1673
Qin D D,Wan L,He P E,Zhang Y,Guo Y and Chen J. 2022. Multiscale object detection in remote sensing image by combining data fusion and feature selection. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(8):1662-1673
Remote sensing image object detection based on depth neural network model has achieved great success largely due to the support of large-scale data sets. However
from the perspective of the existing remote sensing image datasets
the number distribution of different types of ground objects is inconsistent
and the same type of ground objects is presented in different sizes. This factor leads to the scale imbalance of ground object samples.
To alleviate this problem
the strategy of weighted image fusion and multiscale feature selection is adopted. First
the pixel values of the two images in the data set are weighed to obtain the fused image. Therefore
the different types of feature samples are more balanced and have higher background diversity. Second
the target category of the corresponding scale is predicted by selecting the appropriate scale feature map
and the same scale target can be predicted on the adjacent feature map. Thus
the model can be trained according to the target scale. Finally
the bounding box of the target is predicted based on the feature map of the target center area
and the result is more consistent with the scale of the target itself.
The image fusion and multiscale feature selection network is experimentally compared in the paper on two datasets
RSOD and NWPUVHR10. The results show that the trained model is more accurate in the recognition of imbalanced objects in complex background and can adapt to the recognition of different scale objects in remote sensing images. In addition
the proposed method enhances the diversity of sample scenes and can be adapted to different scales of targets. Qualitative analysis shows that the proposed method has better robustness and performance advantages when applied to remote sensing images.
The proposed method can cope with remote sensing images with complex backgrounds
mitigate the effects of category imbalances and better fit the scenarios in which remote sensing images are used. Mitigation of category imbalances and Scale Selection enhance the performance of remote sensing image object detection.
image fusion enhancementmulti scale selection and expressionhigh resolution remote sensing imageobject detectionconvolutional neural network
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