Overall design and on-orbit verification of synchronization monitoring atmosphere corrector on high-resolution multi-mode satellite (GFDM)
- Vol. 26, Issue 5, Pages: 1039-1050(2022)
Published: 07 May 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221371
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Published: 07 May 2022 ,
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余婧,杨文涛,李正强,侯伟真,裘桢炜,李雨廷,葛邦宇.2022.高分多模卫星大气校正总体设计与在轨验证.遥感学报,26(5): 1039-1050
Yu J,Yang W T,Li Z Q,Hou W Z,Qiu Z W,Li Y T and Ge B Y. 2022. Overall design and on-orbit verification of synchronization monitoring atmosphere corrector on high-resolution multi-mode satellite (GFDM). National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(5):1039-1050
The high-resolution multi-mode satellite (GFDM) is equipped with China’s first civil-using Synchronization Monitoring Atmosphere Corrector (SMAC). This satellite can acquire the atmospheric parameters of the same observation area of the high-resolution camera and achieve accurate correction for the image taken by the high-resolution camera. This study discusses the overall design ideas of synchronization atmospheric correction for high-resolution multi-mode satellites. The design schemes of time-space synchronization
multi-polarization channel detection system
and the verification results on ground and on orbit are presented.
GFDM satellite has the capability of rapid attitude maneuvering. Thus
it can realize efficient and flexible observation of ground targets
which greatly improves its imaging efficiency. However
this feature also brings new requirement for the assurance of the quality of the high-resolution images obtained by the satellite. When the satellite takes photograph at a larger angle
the atmospheric transmission path of light from ground observing target increases. This condition will cause greater impact on the image’s modulation transfer function and different adjacent pixel effect compared with the situation of sub-satellite point viewing. GFDM satellite adopts a space-ground integrated atmospheric synchronization correction solution to obtain remote sensing image data products with high radiation accuracy and high commercial value. SMAC is equipped on GFDM to obtain atmospheric detecting data that strictly match the image obtained by the high-resolution camera temporally and spatially. The spectrum band and polarization channel design and the key performance control measures of SMAC during its manufacturing process fully consider the subsequent ground atmospheric retrieval requirements. The ground atmospheric retrieval algorithm also considers the design properties of SMAC. Through this cooperation between the two important processes
more accurate atmospheric parameters can be provided for the atmospheric correction of high-resolution images of GFDM. This study gives the scheme design
main technical properties
and ground test results of SMAC. A radiation comparison between SMAC and ground-based solar/sky radiometer was conducted on ground
and good experimental results were achieved.
GFDM satellite was launched to orbit on July 3
2020. On the first day (the 6th orbit circle) after launch
an initial status check was performed. On the second day
the SMAC started the atmosphere detection and the detected data were downloaded to ground. The ground application system used these detection data to perform atmospheric parameter inversion and image atmospheric correction. The atmospheric parameter inversion results and the effect of atmospheric correction of high-resolution images were examined. The comparison between the measurement data from the global AERONET site shows that the inversion results of atmospheric aerosol optical thickness and atmospheric water vapor content based on SMAC detection data are credible. Using the inverted atmospheric parameter
a good atmospheric correction effect on high-resolution images can be achieved
detailed information of the satellite images is significantly restored
and the ground object reflectance is effectively improved. These results all effectively support the subsequent quantification application of GFDM high-resolution image data. The successful application of SMAC in-orbit also provides a reference for the subsequent satellites which need to improve their quantitative application level.
remote sensingatmosphere correctoroverall designon-orbit verificationpolarizationAerosol Optical Depth (AOD)Columnar Water Vapor (CWV)
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