A review of collaborative remote sensing observation of greenhouse gases and aerosol with atmospheric environment satellites
- Vol. 26, Issue 5, Pages: 795-816(2022)
Published: 07 May 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221387
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Published: 07 May 2022 ,
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李正强,谢一凇,石玉胜,厉青,Cohen Jason,张羽中,韩颖慧,熊伟,刘毅.2022.大气环境卫星温室气体和气溶胶协同观测综述.遥感学报,26(5): 795-816
Li Z Q,Xie Y S,Shi Y S,Li Q, COHEN J., Zhang Y Z, Han Y H, Xiong W and Liu Y. 2022. A review of collaborative remote sensing observation of greenhouse gases and aerosol with atmospheric environment satellites. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(5):795-816
Climate change is the most critical issue related to human survival and economic development currently being faced by the whole world. Greenhouse gases (GHGs) and aerosol are the main factors contributing to global warming and atmospheric environmental degradation caused by anthropogenic emissions; thus
they are the core detection targets of satellite remote sensing platforms. Compared with traditional single-target satellites
the collaborative monitoring of GHGs and aerosol on the same airborne platform
“Greenhouse gases and Aerosol Collaborative Observation Constellation” (GACOC)
could significantly improve the accuracy of CO
and CH
retrieval. This way could improve the ability to estimate the carbon source and sink via the “top-down” method
as well as the ability to distinguish anthropogenic/natural sources of CO
and atmospheric particulate matters. The GACOC has become an important spatial detection approach actively developed by aerospace agencies of various countries.
This study introduces the satellites launched by the European Union
and the United States that can monitor GHGs and aerosol in one space-borne platform. These satellites are further divided into two categories according to their missions. The first one is the comprehensive atmospheric sounding satellites that independently detect GHGs and aerosol. These satellites can provide the temporal and spatial distribution of columnar CO
or CH
concentration and aerosol properties in the global context. The representative satellites of this category include ENVISAT
and GF-5
as well as GF-5(02)
and MetOp-SG-A that are about to launch in 1-3 years. The second category is the GHG monitoring satellites. Synchronous aerosol and cloud observations on the same platform provide necessary information for high-precision inversion of GHGs. The typical GHG satellites include GOSAT
and the ESA-planned CO2M series.
Focusing on the significant national demands such as assessment of carbon neutrality pathways and atmospheric environmental governance
this study also discusses the development tendencies of monitoring GHGs and aerosol within the framework of a collaborative observation constellation.
(1) Identification and quantitative monitoring of large anthropogenic emission sources. The anthropogenic CO
and aerosol particles (and other tracers such as NO
) emitted from large-scale industrial areas or cities have some similarities in source
and meteorological condition. Therefore
the high-resolution GHGs and aerosol observation by collaborative satellites can be employed to improve the ability to identify
and monitor large-scale
anthropogenic sources more efficiently.
(2) High-precision joint inversion of atmospheric GHGs and aerosol. The scattering of aerosol and cloud greatly impact the inversion accuracy of CO
satellite products. The advanced spaceborne technology that combines multi-angle
and polarimetric measurements obtain high-precision aerosol optical and microphysical parameters. These parameters can be used to generate observation-based aerosol models when dealing with aerosol scattering during GHG’s inversion
and these models are more appropriate than the traditional models from modeling data.
(3) Active–passive satellite networking. No single satellite can acquire a daily
global-coverage GHG or aerosol product due to the issues such as limited swath width
large number of cloudy pixels
and strict data quality criteria. Therefore
active–passive satellite networking is an essential approach to satisfy the demands of operationally observing the earth. The GACOC could fill in the data gap effectively and generate a spatially–temporally continuous global dataset of GHGs and aerosol. These data can provide a solid foundation for scientific research such as accurate assessments of climate change and dynamic monitoring of the atmospheric environment.
greenhouse gasesaerosolsatellite remote sensingcarbon dioxidecollaborative observation constellation
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