ANOVA guided high-order Markov network and its application in building extraction from point clouds
- Vol. 27, Issue 4, Pages: 1021-1033(2023)
Published: 07 April 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221421
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Published: 07 April 2023 ,
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郝娇娇,倪欢,管海燕.2023.方差分析引导的高阶马尔可夫网络及其在点云建筑物提取中的应用.遥感学报,27(4): 1021-1033
Hao J J,Ni H and Guan H Y. 2023. ANOVA guided high-order Markov network and its application in building extraction from point clouds. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(4):1021-1033
以ALS(Airborne Laser Scanning)系统为代表的三维点云获取技术为建筑物重建提供了一条高效便捷途径。本文基于ALS点云超体素,提出了一种方差分析引导的高阶马尔可夫网络,并用以提取建筑物。该方法以超体素作为无向图模型节点,根据三维邻域特有的局部几何属性,结合方差分析原理,生成高阶因子,并将特征转化为表达能力更强的节点和边势函数;再采用信念传播算法,对高阶马尔可夫网络进行推理,形成了一种非监督的建筑物识别框架。此外,本文采用由粗到精的识别策略,首先在独立假设前提下,利用贝叶斯高斯混合模型实现节点初始状态捕捉,再采用高阶马尔可夫网络对三维邻域的相关性建模,以提高建筑物提取精度。本文引入两组具备人工标记真值的开放ALS点云数据集进行实验,利用4种国际通用指标对建筑物提取结果进行精度评价。可视化分析表明,本文方法提取的建筑物内部完整,且边界清晰,为建筑物三维重建提供了可靠信息。定量化分析表明,在低层建筑主导的住宅区,本文方法的建筑物提取精度(基于投影面积和对象的
<math id="M1"><mi>F</mi><mn mathvariant="normal">1</mn></math>
<math id="M2"><mi>F</mi><mn mathvariant="normal">1</mn></math>
<math id="M3"><mi>F</mi><mn mathvariant="normal">1</mn></math>
Building extraction is important for urban planning
land management
three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction
and other fields. Among various remote sensing techniques
3D point cloud acquisition technique represented by Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) system provides an efficient and convenient way for building extraction and modeling. Currently
deep learning-based building extraction methods are widely used. Compared with them
unsupervised building extraction methods do not need to train with a large amount of manually labeled data and do not require powerful computation equipment. Thus
developing unsupervised building extraction methods that do not rely on manual labeling is greatly meaningful.
In this paper
based on the supervoxels of ALS point clouds
a high-order Markov network guided by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) is proposed for building extraction. This method first uses supervoxels as the nodes of the undirected graph
and then constructs high-order factors based on the principle of ANOVA and the local geometric features of 3D neighborhood. After that
the features are transformed into node and edge potential functions with a better expression ability. Finally
the belief propagation algorithm is used to make inference on the high-order Markov network
and an unsupervised building extraction framework is constructed.
In the experiments
two groups of ALS point cloud datasets with ground-truths are employed
and four commonly used metrics are utilized to evaluate the accuracy of the results. Visual analysis shows that our method extracts buildings with complete interiors and clear boundaries. Hence
this method can be used to provide reliable data for the 3D reconstruction of buildings. According to quantitative analysis
in residential areas dominated by low-rise buildings
the averaged accuracy (the projection-area-based and object-based F1 indexes) of our method reaches 95.4% and 91.5% which are higher than that of existing supervised and unsupervised methods. In downtown areas dominated by high-rise buildings
the averaged object-based F1 score of our method reaches 93.5% which is higher than that of existing methods; and its averaged projection-area-based F1 score gets 92.9%
which is more than sufficient.
This paper includes three innovative points. Firstly
an unsupervised building extraction framework from coarse to fine is constructed. Specifically
the Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Model is first used to capture the initial state of the node under the independent assumption
and then the high-order Markov network is designed to model the correlation of the 3D neighborhood for extracting buildings. Secondly
a potential function calculation method based on P-value test of ANOVA is constructed
which enhances the expression of interaction among supervoxels. Thirdly
higher-order factors are introduced into the supervoxel Markov network model
and the belief propagation algorithm is used for the inference of the network
thus the accurate identification of buildings is achieved. The results show that our method can effectively extract ALS point cloud buildings in different study areas
and the ablation study validates the positive effect of each module.
ALSGaussian Mixture Modelbuilding extractionANOVAhigh-order Markov network
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