Weakly supervised scale adaptation data augmentation for scene classification of high-resolution remote sensing images
- Vol. 27, Issue 12, Pages: 2815-2830(2023)
Published: 07 December 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221481
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Published: 07 December 2023 ,
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王梨名,祁昆仑,杨超,吴华意.2023.弱监督尺度自适应增强的高分辨率遥感影像场景分类.遥感学报,27(12): 2815-2830
Wang L M, Qi K L, Yang C and Wu H Y. 2023. Weakly supervised scale adaptation data augmentation for scene classification of high-resolution remote sensing images. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(12):2815-2830
遥感图像中同一种地物可能对应不同大小尺寸,而卷积核感受野大小固定严重影响了卷积神经网络在遥感场景分类中的性能。针对上述尺度效应问题,本文提出了一种面向高分辨率遥感影像场景分类的弱监督尺度自适应增强网络WSADAN(Weakly-supervised Scale Adaptation Data Augmentation Network),主要包括尺度生成和尺度融合两个模块。尺度生成模块利用卷积神经网络提取的原图像高层特征学习出适合于不同样本实例的最佳尺度参数;而尺度融合模块通过融合原尺度图像和最佳尺度图像的高层特征进行精化去除冗余,挖掘出不同尺度下特征间的关联信息。最后,联合多尺度特征表达输入到全连接层实现场景类别的预测。本文采用RSSCN7、AID和NWPU这3个遥感场景分类数据集验证方法的有效性,结果表明所提出的网络模型优于传统卷积神经网络,尤其对于尺度变化较大的类别性能提升最为明显。
Scene classification of remote sensing images aims to assign a meaningful label to a given image. In recent years
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)-based methods make a breakthrough and substantially outperform traditional methods in scene classification tasks of remote sensing images. However
obtaining features under different scales in remote sensing images is difficult due to the fixed receptive field of CNNs. This complexity seriously affects the performance of CNNs in scene classification of remote sensing images. This study proposes a method to learn the optimal scales for different scene image instances in a weakly supervised manner.
A Weakly Supervised Scale Adaptive Data Augmentation Network (WSADAN) is proposed to capture feature information at different scales of remote sensing scenes
and a scale generation module and a scale fusion module are designed to improve the robustness. The scale generation module learns the optimal scale parameters based on the CNN features of the original image. The scale fusion module filters the CNN features of images with original and optimal scales to remove the noise and then deeply fuses them to exploit the correlation between features at different scales. The deeply fused multi-scale features are input into a fully connected layer to predict categories of scene images.
The effectiveness of the scale generation and scale fusion modules is verified by ablation experiments. The accuracy of WSADANSGM compared with the baseline improves by 0.94% and 0.89% for the 20% and 50% training data ratios of RSSCN7 dataset
1.27% and 0.87% for the 20% and 50% training data ratios of AID dataset
and 1.09% and 0.71% for the 10% and 20% training data ratios of NWPU dataset
respectively. Compared with WSADANSGM
WSADANSGM+SFM improves by 1.65% and 1.32% for the RSSCN7 dataset at 20% and 50% training data ratios
1.65% and 1.26% for the AID dataset at 20% and 50% training data ratios
and 1.75% and 1.42% for the NWPU dataset at 10% and 20% training data ratios
respectively. In the experiment for scene scale change analysis
the classification accuracy of our method is higher than the baseline at any scale of image
which proves that our method can learn certain image scale information and has strong scale adaptation ability. We use three datasets for remote sensing scene classification
and NWPU
for the experiments. On the RSSCN7 dataset
the overall accuracies are 91.65% and 94.07% with the training ratios of 20% and 50% for WSADAN-VGG16. For WSADAN-ResNet50
the corresponding accuracies are 92.69% and 94.82%. On the AID dataset
the overall accuracies are 92.78% and 95.18% with the training ratios of 20% and 50% for WSADAN-VGG16. For WSADAN-ResNet50
the corresponding accuracies are 93.73% and 95.88%. On the NWPU dataset
the overall accuracies are 87.01% and 90.44% with the training ratios of 10% and 20% for WSADAN-VGG16. For WSADAN-ResNet50
the corresponding accuracies are 90.71% and 92.63%.
The proposed method can learn CNN features at a wider range of scales without manual multi-scale selection for different datasets. The performance of the proposed method is better than that of traditional CNNs
especially for the scene categories containing objects with large-scale variations.
remote sensingscene classificationdeep learningconvolutional neural networksweakly supervisionmulti-scaledata augmentation
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