Fine identification and biomass estimation of mangroves based on UAV multispectral and LiDAR
- Vol. 26, Issue 6, Pages: 1169-1181(2022)
Published: 07 June 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221484
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Published: 07 June 2022 ,
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吴培强,任广波,张程飞,王浩,刘善伟,马毅.2022.无人机多光谱和LiDAR的红树林精细识别与生物量估算.遥感学报,26(6): 1169-1181
Wu P Q,Ren G B,Zhang C F,Wang H,Liu S W and Ma Y. 2022. Fine identification and biomass estimation of mangroves based on UAV multispectral and LiDAR. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(6):1169-1181
²最高,达0.83;(4)研究区内红树林地上生物量主要分布范围为1.24—3.6 kg/m
Mangroves are special types of woody plants that grow exclusively in the intertidal zones of the tropics and the subtropics. With respect to environmental and ecological values
mangroves protect the shoreline from tides
and storms and act as the first line of defense against extreme weather in coastal areas. Moreover
mangroves have a continuous carbon fixation capacity
which is much higher than those of peat swamp and coastal salt marsh. Mangroves are an important part of the earth carbon cycle system and considered an important blue carbon sink on the sea and land margin. However
mangrove habitat is threatened all over the world due to human development and utilization activities. Therefore
monitoring the spatial distribution of mangrove types and biomass will help guide policy-makers in taking effective utilization and protection measures.
In this paper
on the basis of UAV multispectral images and LiDAR point cloud data
the support vector machine classification method is used for mangrove identification. Furthermore
mangrove species are distinguished according to different heights and distribution areas using the elevation information in the UAV LiDAR point cloud data. The structure characteristics of mangrove single wood are extracted by the point-cloud-based cluster segmentation method
and an estimation model of the tree height
and aboveground biomass obtained by LiDAR remote sensing is constructed
the aboveground biomass of mangrove in the study area is calculated
and its spatial distribution information is analyzed.
The classification result of the species types of mangroves
which is combined with the multi spectrum and LiDAR point cloud data
can reach 90.69% in total accuracy. The kappa coefficient is 0.88. The accuracies of the algorithm in identifying single trees of
Kandelia candel
Aegiceras corniculata
are 86.71% and 60.21%
respectively. Among them
the middle errors of the heights of
K. candel
A. corniculata
are 0.36 and 0.18 m
and the crown width extraction precision of
K. candel
is higher than that of
A. corniculata
. The regression models of the aboveground biomass of
K. candel
A. corniculata
are constructed. The accuracy of the fusion model is the highest
and the respective decision coefficients (
²) are 0.678 and 0.832 for
K. candel
A. corniculata
Mangroves are mostly planted artificially in the study area and distributed in a belt perpendicular to the dam:
K. candel
Cyperus malaccensis
Lam. and
Acanthus ilicifolius
L. —
A. corniculata
. The area of
A. corniculata
is the largest
which is approximately 8.91 hm
and distributed on both sides of the tidal ditch far from the dam. The area of
K. candel
is 4.69 hm
which is distributed in the area near the dam.
C. malaccensis
Lam. and
A. ilicifolius
L. are scattered in small areas among the different types of objects. The aboveground biomass of mangrove is calculated by the estimation model of above ground biomass. The aboveground biomass follows the order
Sonneratia apetala
A. corniculata
C. malaccensis
K. candel > A. ilicifolius
The distribution range of mangrove’s aboveground biomass is 1.24—3.6 kg/m
remote sensingmangroveUAVmultispectralLiDARtree species classificationaboveground biomass
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