A review of land observation satellite remote sensing application technology with new generation artificial intelligence
- Vol. 26, Issue 8, Pages: 1530-1546(2022)
Published: 07 August 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221555
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Published: 07 August 2022 ,
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赖积保,康旭东,鲁续坤,李树涛.2022.新一代人工智能驱动的陆地观测卫星遥感应用技术综述.遥感学报,26(8): 1530-1546
Lai J B,Kang X D,Lu X K and Li S T. 2022. A review of land observation satellite remote sensing application technology with new generation artificial intelligence. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(8):1530-1546
With the rapid development of aerospace industry and remote sensing and the strong support from the government
various military and civilian commercial satellite systems have been developed. The establishment of a relatively complete satellite remote sensing data acquisition system injects new momentum for promoting high-quality development of economy and society. At the same time
the rapid development of artificial intelligence has greatly improved the intelligence and precision of data analysis and has brought new development opportunities for remote sensing big data analysis and application. In the context of the Internet era
combining advanced technologies
such as artificial intelligence
big data
Internet of Things
and 5G
is a general trend to promote the development of remote sensing applications in the direction of intelligence
and industrialization.
Based on the current development status and actual needs of intelligent remote sensing technology for land observation satellites
this review briefly describes the development of earth observation satellite systems
such as GF and ZY satellites. Second
it classifies and introduces the development status and trends of artificial intelligence technology in the field of remote sensing. Furthermore
the application status of artificial intelligence-driven remote sensing technology in the fields of resource investigation
environmental monitoring
disaster monitoring
smart city
and fishery automation analysis is discussed. Finally
by analyzing existing remote sensing technologies
the challenging problems and development trends of AI in remote sensing are concluded.
Different from previous reviews
the present study has two major contributions. On one hand
it carefully reviewed the development status of existing AI-based remote sensing methods. Although AI has been successfully and widely applied in remote sensing
its performance is still unsatisfactory and far behind the intelligence of remote sensing experts in many domains. To address this problem
further development of a new-generation AI and wider application of AI in remote sensing is the key to success. On the other hand
this work provides five typical and key future research directions of future AI-based remote sensing technologies. First
the rapid knowledge mining technology of remote sensing big data is studied
and the comprehensive perception and intelligent analysis of remote sensing are realized with the support of AI technology. Second
the collaborative sensing technology of observation network constructed by multiple remote sensing satellites is studied to achieve more comprehensive
more accurate
and more efficient earth observations. Third
cross-modal multisource remote sensing data fusion and recognition technology are investigated. By fusing multisource remote sensing data of different types
such as visible light
and microwave
the performance of remote sensing image recognition and interpretation is expected to be dramatically improved. Fourth
the on-orbit intelligent processing technology of remote sensing data
including on-orbit processing hardware and software systems
are examined. Lastly
the human-machine hybrid enhanced intelligent remote sensing technology is studied. In the future
humans and intelligent remote sensing systems are expected to be closely coupled and work together to form a stronger remote intelligent sensing ability.
satellite remote sensingartificial intelligenceapplication servicesremote sensing big datadata interpretation
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