Construction of directional reflectance reference model for desert stable earth targets
- Vol. 27, Issue 10, Pages: 2270-2282(2023)
Published: 07 October 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221587
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Published: 07 October 2023 ,
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王玲,胡秀清,徐娜,陈林,张鹏,徐寒列.2023.沙漠稳定目标方向反射率参考模型构建.遥感学报,27(10): 2270-2282
Wang L, Hu X Q, Xu N, Chen L, Zhang P and Xu H L. 2023. Construction of directional reflectance reference model for desert stable earth targets. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(10):2270-2282
陆地稳定目标的地表反射率是利用反射率基法对卫星传感器进行辐射定标的关键参量。但对于国产历史遥感卫星的光学载荷,同步观测的稳定目标地表反射率数据的缺乏,是对其进行历史再定标工作的主要难点。本文基于长时间序列的MODIS BRDF模型参数产品,采用统计分析的方法,建立了全球典型沙漠稳定目标的逐月方向反射率参考模型,并基于独立的样本数据进行了模型精度验证及辐射定标应用示范研究。验证结果显示,国外目标的方向反射率参考模型不确定度优于国内目标。国外的13个沙漠目标中,有12个目标的模型误差在±3%以内,其中Libya 4可低于±1%;在国内,有6个目标与国外这12个目标的模型精度相当。辐射定标应用示范结果显示,本文构建的稳定目标方向反射率参考模型可以代替实时的MODIS BRDF模型参数产品用于遥感仪器的辐射定标中。一方面,可以解决国产卫星光学载荷历史数据再定标中缺乏地面反射率同步观测的问题;另一方面,对于在轨遥感仪器的辐射定标,可避免频繁下载MODIS BRDF模型参数产品的问题。
Accurate and consistent calibration for long-term satellite remote sensing data is critical to accurately estimate multi-decadal climate variability. However
for the historical optical satellite sensors
the lack of or limited number of synchronous in situ observation of surface Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) model data is the main difficulty to recalibrate their radiance products. This study aims to build a surface directional reflectance reference model for some typical stable earth targets worldwide
providing a uniform surface reflectance reference for the historical remote sensing satellites to perform a consistent recalibration of their long-term TOA radiance products.
The long-term data products from MODIS satellite instrument
well known for its high calibration accuracy and stability
are used to establish the surface directional reflectance reference model for the selected stable earth targets. Specifically
for the desert sites
the MODIS surface BRDF products (MCD43A1) from 2008 to 2012 are used to build a monthly climatology of the BRDF parameters as the surface directional reflectance reference. Then
independent MODIS products
the data time is different from that used in the model construction
are applied to verify the accuracy of the established directional reflectance reference model. Finally
to check the applicability of this model in the radiometric calibration of satellite instruments
it was used to carry out calibration experiments on the Visible Infrared Radiometer (VIRR) on the FY-3C
and compared with the calibration results obtained based on real-time MODIS BRDF products.
The uncertainty estimation of the surface directional reflectance reference model over desert sites shows that the model uncertainty of foreign desert targets is lower than that of domestic desert targets. The reference model uncertainty of foreign targets is below 3%
and the domestic desert sites are below 4% (except TKLM_3). The model accuracy verification of the radiometric reference model shows that among the 13 foreign desert targets
except Tinga_Tingana in Australia
the relative errors are basically within ±3%
and that in Libya 4 can be less then ±1%. Six domestic desert sites
and LBPO_W
can achieve a sound accuracy of within ±3%
which is comparable to the stable earth targets frequently used by the international research. The radiometric calibration test on FY-3C VIRR shows that using the directional reflectance reference model of the stable target is in good agreement with the radiometric calibration results based on the real-time MODIS BRDF product
and the difference between the two calibration results is very small
the average relative bias is basically within ±0.6%.
The results indicate that established directional reflectance reference model over the stable earth targets can be used in the application of radiometric calibration of the optical satellite instruments and can solve the problem of consistent recalibration of historical data from domestic optical satellite instruments.
remote sensing instrumentradiometric calibrationreflectanceBRDFstable targetsMODIS
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