Daytime sea fog detection based on multi-scale feature fusion of generated adversarial network under attention mechanism
- Vol. 27, Issue 12, Pages: 2736-2747(2023)
Published: 07 December 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221621
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Published: 07 December 2023 ,
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方旭源,金炜,符冉迪,李纲,何彩芬,尹曹谦.2023.注意力机制下多尺度特征融合生成对抗网络的白天海雾监测.遥感学报,27(12): 2736-2747
Fang X Y,Jin W,Fu R D,Li G,He C F and Yi C Q. 2023. Daytime sea fog detection based on multi-scale feature fusion of generated adversarial network under attention mechanism. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(12):2736-2747
Sea fog is a common weather phenomenon at sea. It will reduce visibility at sea and greatly threaten maritime traffic and other operations. Traditional sea fog detection algorithms using satellite remote sensing have low accuracy
poor portability
and low automation. Although some existing deep learning-based sea fog monitoring algorithms have been improved
they do not consider the spectral characteristics of sea fog in different channels. The accuracy of sea fog monitoring is also low
especially in edge recognition.
A daytime sea fog detection method
which is based on multi-scale feature fusion of generated adversarial network under attention mechanism
is proposed to improve the accuracy of sea fog detection. First
according to the spectral response of sea fog in different imaging channels of meteorological satellite
the satellite cloud images of different imaging channels that can reflect the characteristics of sea fog are selected as the input of the network. Meanwhile
a channel attention mechanism is introduced to calculate the weights of different input channels for prioritizing significant imaging channels within multichannel input. Then
a multi-scale feature fusion mechanism is adopted to fuse the feature maps of different levels of the network for obtaining the multi-scale features of the sea fog. In this way
the problem of losing detailed features in cloud images caused by the pooling operation of the traditional deep network can be solved. Finally
given the difficulty of traditional methods to accurately describe the edge of sea fog
a generation network for sea fog detection supervised by an adversarial network is used to accurately define the edge of sea fog and reduce the false alarm rate.
This study takes the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea (116.5°—128.25°E,30°—42.5°N) as the research area. Given that March to June each year is the period of high incidence of sea fog in the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea
we produce a dataset based on the weather satellite monitoring report of the National Meteorological Center from March to June 2017—2020. After training the model
concerning the quantitative indicators of sea fog detection
our method achieves a probability of detection of 90.5%
a critical success index of 81.28%
and a false positive rate of 10.86%
which are better than those of other methods.
The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively improve the accuracy of sea fog identification
which is important for marine vessel navigation
fishery production
national defense
and military affairs.
sea fog monitoringsatellite remote sensingattention mechanismgenerate adversarial networkmulti-scale feature fusion
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