Crop recognition by multiangle features of GF-7 satellite
- Vol. 27, Issue 9, Pages: 2127-2138(2023)
Published: 07 September 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221644
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Published: 07 September 2023 ,
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孙智虎,张锦水,洪友堂,杨珺雯,朱爽.2023.GF-7卫星多角度特征作物识别.遥感学报,27(9): 2127-2138
Sun Z H, Zhang J S, Hong Y T, Yang J W and Zhu S. 2023. Crop recognition by multiangle features of GF-7 satellite. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(9):2127-2138
Multiangle remote sensing can provide richer
multidirectional features for ground object observation
improve the distinguishability between land types
and lay a solid data foundation for the accurate identification of ground cover. GF-7 is the first domestic sub meter surveying and mapping satellite after ZY-3 satellite
which brings an opportunity to solve the problem of “foreign matter homospectrum” using multiangle characteristics and to improve the identification accuracy of crops. In this paper
GF-7 forward-looking and backward-looking panchromatic and backward-looking multispectral data are used
and various features combinations are input to the support vector machine classifier to analyze the influence of multiangle features on crop recognition accuracy relative to the spectral and texture features. Results show that compared with only spectral features
with the addition of the angle difference feature
the production accuracy of garlic and winter wheat increased by 4.07% and 3.15%
and the user accuracy increased by 6.73% and 2.12%
respectively. Compared with the combination of spectral and texture features
with the addition of the angle difference feature
the production accuracy of garlic and winter wheat increased by 3.14% and 1.01%
and the user accuracy increased by 5.11% and 0.67%
respectively. Through the analysis of McNemar test
the improvement of classification accuracy is stable
angle difference feature can effectively improve the identification accuracy of crops. Tracing it to its cause
the multiangle characteristics of GF-7 satellite have unique differences in the spectral response of different crop types during multiangle observation. The difference improves the separability between crops to ensure the accuracy of crop remote sensing mapping.
GF-7SVMangle differenceremote sensingwinter wheatgarlicagriculture
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