Spatio-temporal variations of night-time lights at early stages of the COVID-19 epidemic in the United States
- Vol. 26, Issue 9, Pages: 1777-1788(2022)
Published: 07 September 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221645
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Published: 07 September 2022 ,
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许刚,王传立,孟庆祥,修田雨,李熙.2022.COVID-19疫情初期美国城市夜间灯光时空变化分析.遥感学报,26(9): 1777-1788
Xu G,Wang C L,Meng Q X,Xiu T Y and Li X. 2022. Spatio-temporal variations of night-time lights at early stages of the COVID-19 epidemic in the United States. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(9):1777-1788
The COVID-19 epidemic swept the world and continues to spread. Without effective medical treatments and vaccine during the early stage of the pandemic
local governments in various countries had to lock down cities and adopt non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs)
such as the stay-at-home order and social distancing. The NPIs against the COVID-19 epidemic have significantly changed the socio-economic activities in cities. However
the characteristics and patterns of urban socio-economic activities under this influence are still unclear. Given the development of earth observation technologies
large-scale changes in socioeconomic activities can be captured by satellites through remotely sensed Night-Time Lights (NTLs). In this study
we selected 20 major cities in the United States
including Atlanta
Kansas City
Los Angeles
New York
Salt Lake City
San Francisco
Saint Louis
Washington D.C.
to analyze the spatio-temporal variations of NTLs caused by the lockdown of cities. The first round of the COVID-19 epidemic occurred in the United States in mid-March 2020. Since March 2020
American cities have successively issued stay-at-home orders
but differences in the time and strictness of policy implementation were noted. Large cities have higher population density and intensity of social activities
so they are more susceptible to infectious diseases. The diversity of lockdown dates and the strictness of lockdowns in the cities in the United States are conducive to investigating the spatio-temporal variations of NTL. We acquired monthly averaged NTLS products of February
and April 2020
which were from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band (DNB) onboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Platform NPP. We further analyzed the spatial pattern
distance decay
and disparities in land use types of changes in the NTLs. Results show that the NTLs generally dimmed by 5%—8% in U.S. cities because of the lockdown of cities. In six cities
the luminous brightness dropped by more than 10%: Chicago
and St. Louis. Among them
Minneapolis showed the largest decrease in luminous brightness
with a decrease of approximately 40% in March. The spatial change of the NTLs shows an obvious “core-periphery” pattern
indicating that the reduction of the NTLs declined with the distance from the city center
mainly because the central area of the city is a concentrated commercial area. After the closure of the city
commercial activities dropped significantly
resulting in an obvious reduction in NTLs around the city centers. The reduction of the NTLs varied among the diverse urban land use types. In New York
the NTL decreased the most on land for residence and aviation facilities by 12% and 11%
respectively. In Chicago
the NTL generally decreased by 20% in all types of urban land
and NTL recovered after one month of the lockdown of the cities in other urban lands
except the sports facilities land. This study only analyzed the spatio-temporal changes of NTLs. In the future
the results of this study can be combined with multi-source data to explain the driving force of NTL changes. Night-time light remote sensing effectively reflects the urban socio-economic dynamics with an important application in monitoring and assessing the socio-economic impacts of emergencies.
night-time light remote sensingCOVID-19NPP-VIIRSspatio-temporal variationthe United States
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