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    • Combination of deep learning and vegetation index for coastal wetland mapping using GF-2 remote sensing images

    • Vol. 27, Issue 6, Pages: 1376-1386(2023)   

      Published: 07 June 2023

    • DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221658     

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  • Cui B G,Wu J,Li X H,Ren G B and Lu Y. 2023. Combination of deep learning and vegetation index for coastal wetland mapping using GF-2 remote sensing images. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(6):1376-1386 DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221658.
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Department of Geography and Spatial Information Techniques, Ningbo University
Donghai Academy, Ningbo University
Ningbo Collaborative Innovation Center for Land and Marine Spatial Utilization and Governance Research
School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology
School of Hydraulic Engineering, Yunnan Agricultural University