Extraction of
Artemia slicks from HY-1C CZI images: Taking Ebinur Lake as an example- Vol. 27, Issue 1, Pages: 104-115(2023)
Published: 07 January 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221659
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Published: 07 January 2023 ,
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王欣,刘建强,丁静,田婧怡,孙相晗,田礼乔.2023.HY-1C卫星CZI影像卤虫条带提取研究——以艾比湖为例.遥感学报,27(1): 104-115
Wang X,Liu J Q,Ding J,Tian J Y,Sun X H and Tian L Q. 2023. Extraction of Artemia slicks from HY-1C CZI images: Taking Ebinur Lake as an example. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(1):104-115
基于HY-1C卫星海岸带成像仪CZI(Coastal Zone Imager)影像提取卤虫条带,对利用自主遥感数据开展生物资源监测与指导捕捞利用具有重要意义。本文以艾比湖为例,分析了HY-1C卫星CZI影像与Landsat-8卫星OLI数据的卤虫—水体端元光谱特征及差异;结合滑动窗口裁剪和光谱匹配因子SBAF(Spectral Band Adjustment Factors)模拟构建了有效样本量为837的卤虫—水体数据集;使用深度为5层的U型全卷积神经网络U-Net(U-Shaped Fully Convolutional Neural Network)算法提取卤虫条带并进行了评估与应用。与支持向量机法、最大似然分类法、归一化水体指数法相比,U-Net算法效率高、鲁棒性更好,卤虫条带的提取精确率和F1分数分别为92.02%和90.55%,比其他方法高出约11%—23%,即使面对复杂水体背景干扰,提取错误率也仅有3.3%;由2019年—2021年10景CZI影像的提取结果可知,研究期间卤虫条带的最大最小面积之比约为5.8,变化剧烈且与水体面积存在一定关联,但决定卤虫条带分布与面积的更多影响要素仍需进一步研究。未来,将建立多源、多分类、大样本量的遥感数据集,发展泛化能力更强的提取算法,实现长时序、大范围的盐湖卤虫条带时空规律分析。
is a kind of small crustacean that lives in high salinity water
which can be used as an excellent fishery feed and an important component of carbon flux and biological chain in salt lakes. Because of its nonnegligible ecological and economic value
it is of great significance to develop a high-precision extraction method of
based on remote sensing data for biological resource monitoring and reasonable fishing. Taking Ebinur Lake as an example
this paper proposed an automatic method to extract
based on the HY-1C Coastal Zone Imager (CZI) images and deep learning technology. Firstly
the spectral characteristics of HY-1C CZI and Landsat-8 OLI sensors in the
endmember were analyzed and the Spectral Band Adjustment Factors (SBAF) were used to eliminate the response differences between the two sensors to construct the
-water dataset containing 837 effective samples of 64×64 size. Secondly
70% of the dataset was used to train the U-Shaped Fully Convolutional Neural Network (U-Net) with a depth of 5
and the remaining 20% and 10% of the data were used to verify and test the algorithm
respectively. The model iterated 6700 times in the training process
which took 35 minutes. During this period
we used the adaptive moment estimation (Adam) optimizer with an initial learning rate of 1×10
and the binary cross entropy as the loss function. The training batch size was set to 4 since the equipment limitation. Whenever the loss value of the verification dataset did not decline within the last 3 epochs
the learning rate was halved. The training would be terminated automatically if it did not decline within the last 10 epochs. Finally
the impact factors and application potential of this method were further analyzed and discussed. The experimental results demonstrated that
compared with the Support Vector Machine (SVM)
the Maximum likelihood Classification (MLC)
and the Normalized Difference Water index (NDWI) algorithms
the extraction Precision and F1 score of U-Net were 92.02% and 90.55%
which were about 11%—23% higher than other methods. Even in the face of complex water background interference
the proposed method showed better robustness since the extraction error of the U-Net was only 3.3%. In addition
the maximum extraction area of
slicks in 10 CZI images from 2019 to 2021 was 9.27 km
5.8 times larger than the minimum. So was the water area of Ebinur Lake
which varied sharply between 497.34 km
and 330.93 km
. The violent difference in
extraction may be due to the variations of water area and other natural or human factors such as temperature
wind speed
and overfishing. It is necessary to conduct a profound study on their correlation relationship. Therefore
the future effort still needs to establish further a more representative and inclusive remote sensing dataset of
and develop more reliable and practical algorithms to carry out more long time series and large-scale studies in
HY-1C SatelliteCoastal Zone ImagerArtemia slicksEbinur LakeU-Net
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