Technology system for product validation and algorithm test of GF common products and an application example
- Vol. 27, Issue 3, Pages: 780-789(2023)
Published: 07 March 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221716
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Published: 07 March 2023 ,
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闻建光,肖青,钟守熠,唐勇,陈曦,魏秋方,吴小丹,林兴稳,欧阳晓莹,游冬琴,柳钦火.2023.高分遥感共性产品算法测评与真实性检验技术体系及应用实例.遥感学报,27(3): 780-789
Wen J G,Xiao Q,Zhong S Y,Tang Y,Chen X,Wei Q F,Wu X D,Lin X W,Ouyang X Y,You D Q and Liu Q H. 2023. Technology system for product validation and algorithm test of GF common products and an application example. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(3):780-789
Given the development of China’s high-resolution earth observation system (referred to as GF)
common products
standard products
and specific products play an important role in remote sensing applications of GF data. In particular
the common products promote remote sensing applications as the bridge between the GF standard products and specific products. However
GF common products are derived by retrieval algorithms. Inevitable errors bring great uncertainty to the followed-up remote sensing applications. Thus
the retrieval algorithms of GF common products should be tested. Moreover
the products should be validated to ensure the quality of GF common products.
This study expounds on the relationship between the algorithm test and product validation and that between the test and validation technology system. Algorithm test and product validation are at the two ends of a common product-generating process. A complete algorithm test process of common products mainly includes the establishment of the algorithm test index system
the construction of the index calculation method
the preparation of the test dataset
the algorithm running and index calculation
and finally
the writing of the algorithm test report. All the generated common products should be validated using the referenced truth data through suitable methods. Thus
a service platform of GF common product validation and algorithm test is implemented to achieve these two functions.
The test index system of the GF common product algorithm is constructed with four primary indexes and 10 secondary indexes through literature research
expert consultation
and questionnaire investigation. For example
the land surface albedo retrieval algorithm is tested to show the feasibility of the algorithm test in the service platform. The results show that it can support the validation and algorithm test of Gaofen common products in China.
Algorithm test and the product validation technology system and its service platform are important for quality control in the generating of GF common products. The validation and algorithm test of GF common products is a systematic project that requires the cooperation of multiple communities to collect the sample data and reference data through continuous field observation. This field observation is an important foundation of validation and algorithm tests for common products.
remote sensingGF satellitecommon productalgorithm testproduct validationland surface albedo
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