Hyperspectral anomaly detection via combining adaptive window saliency detection and improved superpixel segmentation
- Vol. 27, Issue 12, Pages: 2748-2761(2023)
Published: 07 December 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20222004
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Published: 07 December 2023 ,
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钱晓亮,曾银凤,林生,张博,任航丽,王慰.2023.融合自适应窗口显著性检测和改进超像素分割的高光谱异常检测.遥感学报,27(12): 2748-2761
Qian X L,Zeng Y F,Lin S,Zhang B,Ren H L and Wang W. 2023. Hyperspectral anomaly detection via combining adaptive window saliency detection and improved superpixel segmentation. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(12):2748-2761
Hyperspectral anomaly detection is used to identify pixels with significant spectral contrast to their surrounding pixels. It plays a valuable role in military and civilian fields due to the characteristic that the priori spectral information is not required. The existing local contrast-based methods usually adopt dual rectangular window scheme for hyperspectral anomaly detection. However
they empirically set the size of dual window
which limits their generalization capability.
A hyperspectral anomaly detection method via combining adaptive window saliency detection and improved superpixel segmentation is proposed in this study to address the abovementioned issue. An adversarial autoencoder is first introduced to reduce the dimension of the hyperspectral image for decreasing the computation complexity of the proposed method. Second
the dimension-reduced hyperspectral image is segmented by improved superpixel segmentation. The existing spectral distance measurements used in the superpixel segmentation are effective when the relationship between the spectral value and the intensity of each pixel is linear. However
this condition cannot be guaranteed in practical applications. The improved superpixel segmentation adopts the orthogonal projection divergence to measure the spectral distance for solving the aforementioned problem. Thereafter
an adaptive window-based saliency detection algorithm is proposed and used to obtain the initial detection results. Specifically
the size of the inner window is adaptively determined by the superpixels
which ensures that the pixels belonging to the same inner window are homogeneous. The outer window can be obtained by enlarging the inner window with fixed size. Finally
the domain transform recursive filter and thresholding operation are employed to optimize the initial detection results for reducing the false alarm rate.
The comparisons between the orthogonal projection divergence and three common spectral distance measurements (Euclidean distance
spectral angular mapping
and spectral information divergence) in terms of AUC show that the orthogonal projection divergence-based method achieves the highest score on all five datasets. The comparisons between the adaptive window and traditional manual setting dual window in terms of AUC show that the adaptive window-based method achieves the highest score on all five datasets. Comprehensive comparisons between the proposed method and seven state-of-the-art methods on five public datasets are implemented to validate the overall performance of the proposed method. Specifically
the subjective comparisons show that the anomalous pixels detected by the proposed method are more precise and have stronger contrast to background regions. The objective comparisons demonstrate that the proposed method obtains the highest overall detection accuracy and offers the best separability between the anomalous and background pixels.
Three conclusions can be derived from this study. First
the improved superpixel segmentation algorithm can enhance the segmentation results
and the proposed adaptive window scheme can increase the performance of saliency detection. Second
the proposed method has excellent detection accuracy
false alarm rate
and separability between the anomalous and background pixels. Finally
the overall performance of the proposed method is superior to that of state-of-the-art methods.
anomaly detectionhyperspectral imageorthogonal projection divergencesuperpixel segmentationadaptive windowsaliency detection
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