The near-space altitude experiment for satellite radiometric calibration and the first results
- Vol. 27, Issue 5, Pages: 1177-1193(2023)
Published: 07 May 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20222070
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Published: 07 May 2023 ,
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王宁,马灵玲,刘强,赵永光,腾格尔,刘耀开,高彩霞,刘恩超,张东辉,黎荆梅,王任飞,张贝贝,高海亮,吴骅,韩启金,张泰华,杨燕初,牛沂芳,郑青川,欧阳光洲.2023.临近空间高度卫星光学载荷辐射定标试验与初步结果.遥感学报,27(5): 1177-1193
Wang N,Ma L L,Liu Q,Zhao Y G,Teng G E,Liu Y K,Gao C X,Liu E C,Zhang D H,Li J M,Wang R F,Zhang B B,Gao H L,Wu H,Han Q J,Zhang T H,Yang Y C,Niu Y F,Zheng Q C and Ouyang G Z. 2023. The near-space altitude experiment for satellite radiometric calibration and the first results. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(5):1177-1193
On-orbit calibration and performance monitoring of satellite remote sensing payloads call for the support of the radiometric calibration source
which has high stability
and traceability. One of the most effective ways to improve the accuracy of on-orbit radiometric calibration is to move the radiometric benchmark from the laboratory to a space-borne platform to form “calibration satellites
” such as “THUTHS
” and the Chinese “LIBRA.” Then
the simultaneous nadir overpass observations obtained from the calibration satellite and other satellites can be employed to transfer the benchmark to other satellites. However
up to now
all of the abovementioned projects are at the research and development stage. At present
no operational satellites can be used to validate the benchmark transfer chain
which is one of the core functions of future calibration satellites. Given that the high-altitude scientific balloon has the advantages of being close to TOA observations
long-term regional flight
and recyclability
it can be regarded as an optional platform for space radiometric benchmarks. This study examined the composition of the demonstration system that can operate at a near-space altitude
with the high-altitude scientific balloon as a platform and a radiometer covering the spectrum range of 400—2500 nm as the main Earth observation instrument. A flight experiment was also performed by utilizing this system in Da-Qaidam in Qinghai Province. During the flight
the position and attitude data of the balloon platform and the observed radiance data were obtained and fully recorded. These data were initially used to analyze the stability of the high-altitude scientific balloon platform and the radiometer in near-space. Results revealed that during the whole flight
the radiometer was in a stable environment and worked well. Then
a general method of satellite radiometric calibration with the balloon observation in near-space was established in consideration of balloon flight tracks that are difficult to fully control. The uncertainty of the proposed method reached 3.15%—3.35% and 4.60%—4.75% in the uniform and mountain areas
respectively. A comparison with MODIS and GF-6/WFI synchronous observations was performed to confirm the reliability of the uncertainty analysis. The satellite and balloon observations showed good agreement with each other. The successful flight experiment revealed the feasibility of using high-altitude scientific balloons as a space radiometric benchmark-carrying platform. It can also serve as a reference for the further development of near-space-borne radiometric benchmark transfer calibration systems.
remote sensingnear-spacehigh-altitude science balloonradiometric calibrationfield experiment
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