Spatial calculation of urban built environment stock: Progress and prospects
- Vol. 26, Issue 10, Pages: 1909-1919(2022)
Published: 07 October 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20222083
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Published: 07 October 2022 ,
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鲍毅,黄舟,郭庆华,刘瑜.2022.城市建成环境存量的空间计算:进展及展望.遥感学报,26(10): 1909-1919
Bao Y, Huang Z, Guo Q H and Liu Y. 2022. Spatial calculation of urban built environment stock: Progress and prospects. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(10):1909-1919
Urban built environment is the manufactured environment where human beings live. The stocks of the urban built environment refer to the quality of materials (e.g.
etc.) that accumulated in buildings and infrastructure. Revealing the spatial distribution of urban built environment stocks arises as a new direction for digital city construction
which helps to understand the urban development patterns and urban resource and waste management. Developing an urban circular economy and realizing sustainable urban development is essential. Therefore
it is necessary to summarize and sort out the current spatial calculation method of built environment stocks.
This study introduces a detailed theoretical basis and development status of three methods for spatial calculation of urban built environment stock: that are the top-down method
the bottom-up method
and the remote sensing calculation method. The advantages and limitations of these models are elaborated with application and data availability. The top-down approach has a complete set of theoretical foundations and algorithm models
which can perform large-scale material flow analysis well. Due to its inability to obtain a high spatial resolution
this method is not suitable for analyzing urban development within cities. Contrastingly
the bottom-up method permits fine-grained stock estimation by gathering cadastral-level physical measurements of buildings and infrastructure and associated material composition indicators. However
it is labour-intensive and the scope of the bottom-up method is often restricted to city-level or lower geographical regions. As for remote sensing calculation
previous studies established a linear regression relationship between the nighttime light radiation intensity and the built environment stocks in the study areas. However
the night light remote sensing data will degrade the reliability of quantitative analysis due to background noise and radiation saturation effect. Thus
stock data with the high spatial resolution are impossible to acquire. These three traditional methods are often difficult to strike a balance between large scale and high spatial resolution. However
in the era of big geographic data
more data sources have brought new research directions for stock calculation.
Geo Big Data and Earth Observation data are essential in developing earth science
environmental science
remote sensing science
and geographic information science. Combining these wide-coverage
and fast-update data and machine learning methods have been widely used in poverty surveys and energy consumption. This paper proposes a framework that combines big geographic data and machine learning for stock calculation based on the above background. We expect an end-to-end method to estimate grid stocks directly from publicly available information that minimizes manual involvement. However
the heterogeneity of geospatial and the black-box nature of deep learning may have an impact on the migration effects of the model. Despite its drawbacks
this migration model has the potential for large-scale
high-resolution stock calculation in future works.
urban built environment stockurban miningurban metabolismsustainable developmentmachine learning
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