Global Ecosystems and Environment Observation: Annual Report from China (GEOARC): 2012—2021
- Vol. 26, Issue 10, Pages: 2106-2120(2022)
Published: 07 October 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20222339
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Published: 07 October 2022 ,
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刘一良,张景,王丝丝,苗晨,李晗,宋婉娟,张松梅.2022.“全球生态环境遥感监测年度报告”回顾:2012—2021.遥感学报,26(10): 2106-2120
Liu Y L,Zhang J,Wang S S,Miao C,Li H,Song W J and Zhang S M. 2022. Global Ecosystems and Environment Observation: Annual Report from China (GEOARC): 2012—2021. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(10):2106-2120
持续开展生态环境遥感监测对于认识和评估全球生态系统可持续性和人类生存环境状况具有重要的科学意义,是面向“推进生态文明建设”和“构建地球生命共同体”等目标和愿景,提升综合地球观测能力和应对全球生态环境挑战的务实行动。为此,中华人民共和国科学技术部国家遥感中心聚焦可持续发展、气候变化、防灾减灾和韧性城市等优先事项,通过政府部门、科研机构、国际组织和社会公众的协同,连续十年(2012年—2021年)发布和共享了“全球生态环境遥感监测年度报告”共29个专题报告和100余个遥感数据集。此项工作取得的成果包括:在遥感技术方法创新方面,基于国产高分辨率卫星和多源遥感影像,针对生态系统状况和人类活动痕迹的高精度遥感监测取得了一批具有自主知识产权的算法模型和数据产品;在人类生存环境认知方面,显著提升了公众对粮食安全、气候变化、城市扩展、土地退化和自然灾害风险等全球生态环境热点问题的科学认知;在生态环境重点区域方面,对“一带一路”、南极、非洲、东盟等典型区域开展精细化监测和评估。该项工作是中国作为地球观测组织GEO(Group on Earth Observations)联合主席国对国际社会的实质贡献,为相关机构和部门决策制定提供了重要的信息参考。本论文在此项工作开展十周年之际,系统阐述和总结了全球生态环境遥感监测年度报告的主要内容和亮点成果,并对未来发展提出展望。
Remote sensing observation on ecosystems and environment can continuously provide global insights of scientific significance on the sustainability of ecosystems and the status of human environment. It is also a concrete practice to advance the capability of global comprehensive earth observation and address ecological and environmental challenges in line with the goals and visions of advancing ecological civilization and building a shared future for all life on Earth. National Remote Sensing Center of China (NRSCC) initiated Global Ecosystems and Environment Observation: Annual Report from China (GEOARC) and has been continuously releasing 29 reports and more than 100 open-access datasets in ten years from 2012 to 2021
focusing on the priorities of Sustainable Development
Climate Change
Disaster Risk Reduction and Urban Resilience
the outcomes have been accomplished through the collaboration of governmental agencies
research institutions
international organizations and the public. The primary achievements are: (1) A batch of innovative algorithm models and data products with independent intellectual property rights have been obtained based on domestic high-resolution satellite and multi-source remote sensing images for fine-scaled remote sensing monitoring of ecosystem conditions and human footprints. (2) It has significantly improved the public's scientific cognition on key topics such as food security
climate change
urban expansion
land degradation
and natural disaster risk. (3) Fine-scaled observation and assessment were carried out on key regions such as the Belt and Road
ASEAN and ecologically fragile areas. This is also China's substantial contribution to the international community as the co-chair of GEO (Group on Earth Observations)
and provides important information reference for decision making by relevant agencies and departments. On the occasion of 10th anniversary
this paper systematically elaborated and summarized the contents and highlights of the annual reports
and put forward the prospect of GEOARC.
ecosystems and environmentremote sensing observationGEOARCdomestic satellites
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