The GF land surface albedo product based on the high-spatial-and-temporal-resolution BRDF priori-knowledge and its preliminary validation
- Vol. 27, Issue 3, Pages: 738-747(2023)
Published: 07 March 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20231717
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Published: 07 March 2023 ,
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游冬琴,闻建光,唐勇,刘强,钟守熠,韩源,宫宝昌,仲波,吴善龙,柳钦火.2023.基于高时空分辨率BRDF先验知识的高分卫星地表反照率产品及其初步验证.遥感学报,27(3): 738-747
You D Q, Wen J G,Tang Y, Liu Q, Zhong S Y, Han Y, Gong B C, Zhong B, Wu S L and Liu Q H. 2023. The GF land surface albedo product based on the high-spatial-and-temporal-resolution BRDF priori-knowledge and its preliminary validation. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(3):738-747
Land surface albedo is a critical parameter in radiation and energy budget. Using GF satellite data to produce the land surface albedo is beneficial for local-scale environmental monitoring.
The challenge beneath the albedo estimation from the GF satellite data is the inadequate angular information
which complicates the BRDF inversion and the albedo derivation based on BRDF. We use the high spatial-and-temporal-resolution priori-knowledge BRDF database obtained from coarse spatial resolution multiangular information to help describe the GF BRDF features. Then
the GF albedo is estimated from the derived GF BRDF. The algorithm is applied in GF-1 data to generate the land surface albedo product in China. First
this algorithm and the production are introduced briefly. Then
the spatial-temporal features are evaluated by qualitative analysis and quantitative validation. In the validation
a long time series of field-measured albedo from the sites of different land covers is used. It includes the cropland (maize) in the Daman site from the Heihe remote sensing test site located in the northwest of China
the forest (Chaenomeles
Chinese pine) in the Huailai test remote sensing site located in the north of China
and the grass in the Dongbei remote sensing test site located in the northeast of China. These sites would be covered by bare soil or snow in winter. In this study
we preliminarily evaluate the algorithm feasibility in albedo production and product precision.
The time series comparisons of the field measurements and the GF product present good agreement for different sites over 1 year to 2 years. For over 1-or 2-year time-continuous comparisons
the land surface status is changed driven by the phenology (vegetation growing cycle). Thus
this finding reveals the feasibility of the algorithm based on the spatial-temporal distributed BRDF a priori knowledge. The total root mean square error is 0.05
with a relative accuracy of 80.24%
which meets the application requirement.
this algorithm is feasible for the albedo estimation from the GF data. The validation results show a good agreement between the field measurements and the product. However
the remote sensing common products from GF satellite data have not been initiated long enough. Thus
evaluating the GF satellite data is still needed. Besides the algorithm itself
the albedo accuracy is directly affected by the land surface reflectance product’s precision
which may introduce uncertainties from the geometric and radiometric calibration
atmospheric correction
and even cloud production. Therefore
much work should be done to evaluate this product and clarify the effects of those factors. In this way
the algorithm and albedo production can be improved.
GF-1albedoBRDFpriori-knowledgeGF remote sensing common products production
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