Digital twin of remote sensing experiment field: Theory and key technology
- Vol. 27, Issue 3, Pages: 584-598(2023)
Published: 07 March 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20232247
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Published: 07 March 2023 ,
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肖青,黄华国,卞尊健,漆建波,杜永明,李嘉昕,闻建光,谢东辉,柏军华,曹彪,宫宝昌,周翔,柳钦火.2023.关于遥感实验场数字孪生体构建的思考.遥感学报,27(3): 584-598
Xiao Q,Huang H G,Bian Z J,Qi J B,Du Y M,Li J X,Wen J G,Xie D H,Bai J H,Cao B,Gong B C,Zhou X and Liu Q H. 2023. Digital twin of remote sensing experiment field: Theory and key technology. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(3):584-598
In the context of remote sensing research and application
complete and reliable “ground a priori knowledge” datasets play an essential role in physical-based model construction
land surface parameter inversion
and remote sensing product production and validation. Ill-posed inversion problems
such as the case in which the observation information is less than the inversion target parameters that results in underdetermined inversion parameters
lead to uncertainty in the solution. A priori knowledge is an important support to solving the ill-posed problem of parameter inversion based on physical and empirical models. However
its completeness
and timeliness are limited. The traditional methods of obtaining ground a priori knowledge include experimental measurements using various surface/near-surface sensors and numerical simulations using many physical models
such as one- or three-dimensional radiative transfer models. These current methods have their own advantages and disadvantages but cannot meet the need of comprehensive dataset production in spectral
and spatial aspects for supporting the research and development of remote sensing science and technology when used alone. On the basis of the studies on experimental measurement
modeling of radiative transfer and ecological processes
and land surface parameter inversion and validation
we propose an innovative strategy to support remote sensing research by building a digital twin of the remote sensing experimental field. Several steps are designed for generating remote sensing a priori knowledge on the basis of the digital twin of the remote sensing experimental field. The three-dimensional structure of a scene is digitally reproduced from the surface by multiple experimental measurements of structural descriptors or the near-surface by remotely obtained data
such as the high-resolution visible and near-infrared images and light detection and ranging (lidar) point-clouds from the observation on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or other platforms based on a cooperative observation technology
recorded in a format accessible by simulation models. The systemic evolution of the surface simulations of physical processes can be realized by coupling radiative transfer
energy balance
and plant growth modeling theories as a synthesized model and applying the model to an experimental site in virtual space to illuminate and realize the dynamic progression of the remote sensing experiment field. Driven and constrained by the surface/near-surface collaborative observation data processed by data science and statistical methods
such as data fusion and data augmentation
the synthesized model is optimized by the feedback from the data assimilation of observation measurements and corresponding simulation data
increasing the consistency of the simulation results with the actual dynamic evolution of the remote sensing experimental field in the real world. Through the optimized model and the field measurements
a complete and coherent a priori knowledge of the remote sensing experimental field is achieved with high numerical precision and temporal continuity
supporting the development of remote sensing mechanism model construction and remote sensing inversion method and validation and improving the level of basic remote sensing research. The conditions for the development and application of digital twins in remote sensing experimental sites are gradually maturing. The construction of the remote sensing experimental field digital twin is expected to become the rudiment of digital twin construction theory of a small-scale ecosystem
which may in turn promote the comprehensive and collaborative development of various disciplines in geoscience.
remote sensing experiment fieldradiative transfercomputer simulationdata assimilationdigital twincomprehensive dataset
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