A Study on the Outgoing longwave radiation changes of the Ms6.0 Luxian earthquake Based on tidal generating force
- Pages: 1-12(2023)
Published Online: 02 January 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20232267
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Published Online: 02 January 2023 ,
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孙学霞,崔静,姜文亮,马未宇,康春丽,李强.XXXX.基于引潮力算法的四川泸县Ms6.0地震临震长波辐射变化研究.遥感学报,XX(XX): 1-12
SUN Xuexia,CUI Jing,JIANG Wenliang,MA Weiyu,KANG Chunli,LI Qiang. XXXX. A Study on the Outgoing longwave radiation changes of the Ms6.0 Luxian earthquake Based on tidal generating force. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, XX(XX):1-12
With the rapid development of society
the overlapping degree between the distribution of social economy and population and the impact range of earthquake disasters is gradually increasing
and the harmfulness of earthquake disasters is further highlighted. Strengthening the monitoring and prediction of earthquake disaster risk is an important means to reduce the risk of earthquake disasters. Infrared remote sensing has gradually become an important means of earthquake prediction and monitoring. On September 16
a Ms6.0 earthquake occurred in Luxian
Sichuan Province. The FY-2H surface Outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) data product was used to analyze the anomalous distribution and changes of Outgoing longwave radiation in the study area from August 27 to October1. Based on TFFA algorithm
our research extracted infrared radiation anomaly
and made a retrospective attempt at short-term and imminent earthquake monitoring and prediction. We extracted the infrared radiation anomaly that is continuous and has obvious change characteristics one week before the earthquake
and identified the development and evolution of the impending earthquake infrared anomaly. The research results show that there are cross distribution between anomaly distribution and seismic structure
and the evolution process corresponds to the thermal infrared radiation law of rock fracture. According to the extracted long wave radiation anomaly
we speculate that only when the tectonic stress accumulates to the critical state of rock fracture and sliding can the tidal force trigger the earthquake
and the extracted anomaly is very likely a manifestation of energy release in this process. With the change of tidal force
anomalies first appeared in the central and northeastern parts of the epicenter in the study area
and the anomalies were distributed in the northwest-southeast as a whole. This phenomenon and the evolution characteristics of rock stress-strain-fracture-experienced micro-fracture-fracture-accelerated fracture-fracture process are consistent. The results show that the tidal force of celestial bodies has an induced effect on the earthquake
and the anomaly of long-wave radiation may be the radiation characterization of stress and strain in the process of earthquake incubation. In the process of extracting seismic radiation anomaly
the selection of background day has a decisive influence on the results. This case study belongs to retrospective analysis
so in this paper
the type of seismogenic fault is determined by the focal mechanism after the earthquake
and then the background date is determined. If this method is used for anomaly monitoring and prediction before earthquakes
the fault database can be obtained to judge the fault properties of the study area
and the background date can be selected according to the fault properties. After that
the abnormal period (September 11-17) was tracked and verified by using NOAA satellite OLR product data
and it was found that the characteristics of the two results were relatively consistent
which further demonstrated that the FY-2H satellite OLR data can be better applied to seismic anomaly monitoring
and also showed that the FY-2H single point time OLR data product has a good effect on monitoring the thermal anomaly
which further reflects the feasibility of the domestic satellite to conduct short-term and imminent earthquake prediction research. It provides a good application case for promoting the operational application of domestic satellite seismic monitoring and prediction.
FY-2HShort-term anomalyLuxian earthquakeOutgoing Longwave RadiationTidal force
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