Accuracy of microwave remote sensing products in evaluating sea ice concentration in Prydz Bay, Antarctica
- Vol. 27, Issue 11, Pages: 2499-2515(2023)
Published: 07 November 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20232464
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Published: 07 November 2023 ,
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李若晗,夏瑞彬,张晓爽,晁国芳,陈忠彪,王志勇.2023.微波遥感产品对南极普里兹湾海冰密集度准确性的评估.遥感学报,27(11): 2499-2515
Li R H,Xia R B,Zhang X S,Chao G F,Chen Z B and Wang Z Y. 2023. Accuracy of microwave remote sensing products in evaluating sea ice concentration in Prydz Bay, Antarctica. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(11):2499-2515
We use the point-to-point method and Beitsch’s co-location comparison method to conduct a series of evaluations on the passive microwave remote sensing products (PM) for observing sea ice concentration (SIC) in the Prydz Bay
Antarctica by using two kinds of ship-based observation datasets. Considering the difference in ship-based observation data
we divide the comparison into two parts. First
according to the ship-based observation data of China’s 29th
and 37th Antarctic scientific expedition in the period of 2012—2021
eight remote sensing SIC products are classified and quantitatively compared according to the size of SIC. Results show that NSIDC/NT2 product assesses the highest correlation and the best stability in all cases. In the co-location comparison
the correlation coefficient can reach 0.926
the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is 12%
and the average bias is only 2%. Second
to make up for the lack of historical data of AMSR2 sensor series products
we evaluate the seasonal cycle and long-term variation signals of four remote sensing data products by using the ASPeCt ship-based observation dataset from 1992 to 2000 in the same way. The inversion accuracy of this period is lower than the case-by-case comparison result from 2012 to 2021
and a tremendous seasonal difference is observed. The bias of the four products increases from the melting period to the freezing period. During this period
the overall inversion results of CDR and bootstrap algorithms based on SSM/I sensors are better
with correlation coefficients of more than 0.8
RMSE of 16%
and bias of approximately 8%. However
a large bias remains in the low SIC region. This study shows that the accuracy of PM SIC products in a small sea area is insufficient
and it fluctuates greatly with the difference in SIC type
and algorithm. Therefore
the necessary considerations are to modify the resolution
use multisource data as much as possible
and classify data according to the ice conditions. Referring to Beitsch’s idea of Antarctica partitioning and comparison
we further obtain the accuracy of remote sensing products under different ice conditions in a local region. We add China’s scientific research ship-based observation data to increase the sample numbers for investigating the Prydz Bay area
which covers rich surface ice types. The regional comparison provides a reference for understanding the limitations of PM SIC products in micro-area inversion and also guarantees ice prediction and navigation safety. Considering the rapid reduction in Antarctic sea ice in recent years and the appearance of a 40-year minimum Antarctic sea ice range in February 2022
high-precision real-time PM SIC products need to be developed to determine the causes of sea ice anomalies and simulate sea ice changes in the future. Knowing the inversion accuracy of various PM SIC products under different conditions will help improve the subsequent PM SIC products and fusion algorithms. In the future
more factors that affect the accuracy of PM inversions
such as ice thickness
ice type
and other factors
should be considered to evaluate PM SIC products in other regions of the Antarctic in detail.
Prydz Baysea ice concentrationpassive microwave remote sensingship-based observationdata quality assessment
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