Evapotranspiration estimation and validation at 16 m resolution based on ETMonitor model driven by GF-1 satellite remote sensing datasets
- Vol. 27, Issue 3, Pages: 758-768(2023)
Published: 07 March 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20232477
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Published: 07 March 2023 ,
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郑超磊,贾立,胡光成.2023.高分一号卫星遥感数据驱动ETMonitor模型估算16 m分辨率蒸散发及验证.遥感学报,27(3): 758-768
Zheng C L,Jia L and Hu G C. 2023. Evapotranspiration Estimation at 16 m resolution in China based on GF-1 Satellite Remote Sensing Datasets. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(3):758-768
蒸散发(Evapotranspiration,简称ET)是研究地表水循环过程变化和开展田间水分管理的核心变量之一。遥感是获取大范围动态蒸散发的一个主要手段,但现有蒸散发产品分辨率主要以中低分辨率(1—25 km)为主,难以满足田间水分管理的应用需求。国产高分一号宽幅相机具有高时空分辨率特点,空间分辨率为16 m,能够为高时空分辨率蒸散发产品生产提供数据支撑。本文利用国产高分一号卫星遥感数据反演的地表参数(包括叶面积指数、植被覆盖度和反照率等)作为驱动,评估了采用ETMonitor蒸散发遥感模型获取高分辨率蒸散发的能力和精度。研究中收集黑河流域、闪电河流域、河北怀来、西藏纳木错等16个站点的涡动相关仪地面观测数据开展蒸散发估算的验证,下垫面类型主要涵盖农作物、草地、森林和裸地等。验证结果表明:高分一号卫星遥感估算日蒸散发均方根误差为0.85 mm d
,相关系数为0.79,偏差为0.16 mm d
,估算精度较高。与中低空间分辨率(例如1 km)蒸散发数据相比,基于高分一号卫星遥感估算的16 m分辨率蒸散发在地表异质性较强的区域更具优势,能较好地反映田块尺度的蒸散发空间分布差异。整体来说,基于国产高分卫星遥感结合ETMonitor模型能够获取精度较高的高时空分辨率蒸散发产品,有望满足日益精细化的农业水资源利用及管理的应用需求。
Evapotranspiration (ET) is one of the core variables for studying the surface water cycle and management of the field-scale water resources. Satellite remote sensing are widely adopted to obtain the variation of evapotranspiration at large spatial scale
but the resolution of existing ET products is mainly limited at low or medium resolution (1—25 km)
which cannot satisfy the field-scale water management application. The Chinese GF-1 Wide Field of View (WFV) camera has the characteristics of high spatial and temporal resolution
with a spatial resolution of 16m
and it can support to generate ET products with high spatial and temporal resolution
which has not yet been well presented. The objective of this study is to present the capacity of using the remote sensing data from the GF-1 satellite as the driving force to produce high resolution (16 m) ET. The ETMonitor model was adopted to estimate ET at 16 m resolution in this study. ETMonitor is a combined model with multi-process parameterizations
and it has been proven to be able to generate accurate regional and global ET estimation at relative coarse resolution (e.g.
1 km) mainly using the biophysical and hydrological parameters/variables retrieved from satellite observations. During the ET estimation procedure
the adopted GF-1 remote sensing datasets include the Leaf Area Index (LAI)
Fraction of Vegetation Cover (FVC)
and NDVI datasets
which are retrieved from previous studies. Ground observation data from 16 sites in China was collected to validate the estimated ET
including 6 grassland sites
4 cropland sites
1 mixed forest site
2 shrubland sites
and 3 desert or Gobi sites. The validation results show that the overall Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of estimated daily evapotranspiration based on GF-1 satellite remote sensing datasets is 0.85 mm d
the correlation coefficient (R) is 0.79
and the Bias is 0.16 mm d
which can demonstrate the high accuracy of estimated ET. The GF-1 based ET at 16 m resolution also presented better performance in terms of spatial variation of ET comparing with the low-resolution (e.g.
1 km) ET
especially in the regions with high surface heterogeneity. These highlight the ability of Chinese GF-1 satellite remote sensing dataset could produce accurate ET at high spatial variation
and it has potential to meet the application of field-scale agricultural water resources management
irrigation management
ecological environment monitoring and government decision-making in China. However
due to the impact of the revisit cycle of the GF-1 satellite and the impact of clouds
there are some gaps or missing values in GF-1 based LAI
FVC or Albedo
and these further cause gaps in the GF-1 ET data. In order to improve the availability of high-resolution ET products
it is necessary to produce spatially and temporally continuous high-resolution ET products
which will be the focus of follow-up research.
蒸散发ETMonitor遥感高分一号真实性检验16 m分辨率中国区域
evapotranspirationETMonitorremote sensingGF-1validation16 m resolutionChina
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