Technique system of remote sensing product generation and validation of GF common products
- Vol. 27, Issue 3, Pages: 544-562(2023)
Published: 07 March 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20232531
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Published: 07 March 2023 ,
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柳钦火,闻建光,周翔,赵坚,李增元,李新,马明国,王维真,廖小罕,刘绍民,范闻捷,肖青,仲波,李静,辛晓洲,李丽,贾立,高志海,金家栋,梁师,邢进,廖楚江,吴一戎.2023.高分遥感共性产品生成和真实性检验技术体系.遥感学报,27(3): 544-562
Liu Q H,Wen J G,Zhou X,Zhao J,Li Z Y,Li X,Ma M G,Wang W Z,Liao X H,Liu S M,Fan W J,Xiao Q,Zhong B,Li J,Xin X Z,Li L,Jia L,Gao Z H,Jin J D,Liang S,Xin J,Liao C J and Wu Y R. 2023. Technique system of remote sensing product generation and validation of GF common products. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(3):544-562
GF-1—GF-7 satellite series with 19 major payloads has been launched with the continuous implementation of the high-resolution Earth Observation System (referred to as GF) in the past decade. This progress is vital in forming the multispectral and multimode observation capability of China’s Earth Observation System. Remote sensing data with high spatial
and spectral resolution have been obtained and widely used in scientific research and remote sensing applications. However
obtaining high-quality remote sensing information products from the original satellite data is a complicated scientific issue and faces huge challenges. Hence
the conversion chain from GF data to information must be urgently set up to reduce the remote sensing application threshold and improve the effectiveness of application services.
The errors of remote sensing quantitative products are determined by accumulating a series of errors
such as sensor imaging error
calibration error
remote sensing data processing error
and quantitative inversion error. Thus
improving the accuracy of quantitative remote sensing products is a complex system engineering. Completing the whole process
including data processing
retrieval algorithm development
product generation
and validation independently
is challenging. Remote sensing algorithm test and product validation are the two crucial ways for the quality improvement of remote sensing products. Hence
this study proposes the technique system of GF common product generation and validation to improve the quality of GF remote sensing products further
thereby guaranteeing the improvement of the application quality and the extensive application area of GF remote sensing products. Lastly
the current progress of the GF common product validation and algorithm determination system platform is introduced and discussed.
GF common products are required by more than two thematic remote sensing products. They can be validated using
in situ
observations. According to the GF common product system
the number of 39 + 6 products in seven categories are sorted out for the common requirements of multiple users
including geometric products
basic radiation products
land cover and land type products
energy balance products
vegetation products
water products
and atmosphere products. This study presents the technique flowchart of GF common product algorithm determination and product generation. The key technologies of algorithm testing
algorithm optimization
product generation
and validation are developed. Eleven national standards for remote sensing product validation are issued and implemented. Other group standards
such as GF common product generation
in situ
and validation of GF common remote sensing products
are being designed and compiled. Based on these validation technologies and the
in situ
data from the national network of GF remote sensing product validation field sites
the GF common product validation platform and product algorithm determination system platform can ensure the high quality of GF common products.
Building such a technical system for GF common product generation and validation has great relevance for ensuring high accuracy and high quality to improve the efficiency of application services further. It requires the cooperation of multiple researchers from different units to research and develop common product retrieval algorithms. Moreover
the algorithm should be continuously tested to improve the accuracy of common products.
GF satelliteremote sensing retrievalcommon productalgorithm testground truthproduct validation
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