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    • Real-time dense point cloud generation and digital model construction of surface environment based on UAV platform

    • 在遥感航测领域,研究团队提出了一种基于无人机平台的地表环境实时稠密点云生成与数字模型构建方法。该方法突破了在线数据获取与位姿解算、实时稠密点云生成等关键技术,提升了建模速度30—50倍,为灾害预警救援、应急管理等提供技术支撑。
    • Vol. 28, Issue 5, Pages: 1206-1221(2024)   

      Published: 07 May 2024

    • DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20232597     

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  • Hu B N,Chen L ,Xu B L,Bu S H,Han P C,Li K ,Xia Z Y,Li N,Li K,Cao X F and Wan G. 2024. Real-time dense point cloud generation and digital model construction of surface environment based on UAV platform. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 28(5):1206-1221 DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20232597.
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HU Boni 西北工业大学
CHENLin 西北工业大学
XU Bingli 陆军装甲兵学院
BU Shuhui 西北工业大学
HAN Pengcheng 西北工业大学
LIKun 西北工业大学
XIA Zhenyu 西北工业大学
LI Ni 西北工业大学


Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi'an
National Engineering Research Center for Geomatics, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Insitute of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, Peking University
Beijing Longruan Technology Co., Ltd.