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    • Mapping forest type and tree species fractions of China’s cold-temperate forest based on synthetically mixed data and random forest regression

    • Pages: 1-16(2023)   

      Published Online: 18 September 2023

    • DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20233103     

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  • Wang Mengyu,Zhao Feng,Pang Yong,Meng Ran,Jia Wen,Yue Chao. XXXX. Mapping forest type and tree species fractions of China’s cold-temperate forest based on synthetically mixed data and random forest regression. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, XX(XX):1-16 DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20233103.
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Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
School of Electronic, Electrical and Communication Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center,Ministry of Natural Resources
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
College of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University