Overview of historical data retrospective calibration for space-borne optical payloads
- Vol. 27, Issue 10, Pages: 2229-2251(2023)
Published: 07 October 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20233359
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Published: 07 October 2023 ,
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胡秀清,王玲,张鹏,徐娜,漆成莉,徐寒列,何兴伟,何玉青,陈林,孙凌,卢乃锰.2023.星载光学载荷历史数据再定标综述.遥感学报,27(10): 2229-2251
Hu X Q,Wang L,Zhang P,Xu N,Qi C L,Xu H L,He X W,He Y Q,Chen L,Sun L and Lu N M. 2023. Overview of historical data retrospective calibration for space-borne optical payloads. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(10):2229-2251
After more than thirty years of effort
China’s meteorological
and environmental disaster reduction constellations have formed a systematic and operational development trend. Domestically developed multi-series remote sensing satellites have accumulated long-term continuous observation data
which provide possibilities for climate change research and environmental change detection.
To unleash the enormous potential of satellite observation historical data in climate change research
it is necessary to address the high-precision radiometric calibration problem of remote sensing payloads between different satellites and throughout the entire lifespan of a single satellite. This requires the establishment of a unified historical radiometric reference and a refined recalibration model
ensuring the comparability of observation data from different instruments and different time periods.
This article provides an overview of the methods and approaches for historical data recalibration of spaceborne optical remote sensing instruments. It includes the development of radiometric reference models based on Earth-stable targets and celestial bodies such as the Moon
as well as the reconstruction of fine algorithm models for recalibrating long sequences of historical data. The paper systematically introduces how to construct radiometric reference models using Earth-stable targets such as deserts
ice and snow
as well as typical reference instruments and benchmark data evaluation for cross-calibration and benchmark traceability.
This article also reviews several key aspects that need to be considered when reconstructing recalibration models for optical payload historical data. This includes the influence mechanisms of stray light
and other factors affecting radiometric calibration uncertainty. It discusses the establishment of short-period fluctuation correction models and long-period decay models for instrument response through full-link simulation of instrument calibration
fine reconstruction of key calibration parameters
and the construction of fine calibration mechanism models related to spatial
and orbital elements. The article explores multi-objective tracking of instrument response
calculation of long sequence wide dynamic range calibration coefficients
and the application of computational intelligence for relative calibration techniques. This allows for automatic recalibration and long-period decay correction of satellite historical data
as well as the establishment of radiation response and decay characteristic models within the lifespan of a single instrument.By providing the latest research progress on historical radiometric references
recalibration models
and analysis of calibration mechanisms
this article offers a systematic approach to the recalibration of China’s historical remote sensing data. It lays the methodological foundation for further improving the long-term calibration quality and reliability of remote sensing data.
retrospective calibrationradiometric referencefine recalibration modelcalibration mechanism modelinstrumental degradation model
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