Validations of the HY-1C COCTS remote sensing reflectance products in coastal waters
- Vol. 27, Issue 1, Pages: 14-25(2023)
Published: 07 January 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20235004
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Published: 07 January 2023 ,
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许玉壮,何贤强,白雁,朱乾坤,龚芳.2023.HY-1C卫星COCTS近海水体遥感反射率产品真实性检验.遥感学报,27(1): 14-25
Xu Y Z, He X Q, Bai Y, Zhu Q K and Gong F. 2023. Validations of the HY-1C COCTS remote sensing reflectance products in coastal waters. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(1):14-25
rs在A、B两种水体类型中存在轻微高估(平均绝对百分比误差APD(Average absolute Percent Difference)分别为38.79%、44.44%),在C类水体轻微低估(APD=40.85%),而在D类水体显著低估(APD=47.14%)。COCTS不同波段
rs产品在4类水体的精度亦存在差异,其中412 nm、443 nm波段在A类水体中和实测数据一致性相对较好(APD均小于30%);520 nm、565 nm波段在C、D两类水体中和实测数据一致性相对较好(APD均小于30%);670 nm波段在4种水体均呈现显著低估。由于AERONET-OC波段和COCTS存在差异,可能会导致评估误差存在高估,未来需要使用连续光谱的实测数据进一步评价COCTS产品精度。
A large number of global observation data was obtained by HY-1C COCTS since its launch in September 2018. The comprehensive evaluation of the HY-1C/COCTS products is important for further applications. In this study
we used the global in-situ data from AERONET-OC to evaluate the performance of the remote sensing reflectance (
rs) products of the HY-1C COCTS. Firstly
the AERONET-OC dataset were divided into four optical water types (A
clean water; B
relatively clean water; C
slightly turbid water; D
turbid water) based on a spectral normalization method. Secondly
rs data and HY-1C/COCTS retrieved
rs data were matched according to the defined spatial-temporal windows (5×5 box and 1 hour). Finally
the performances of the HY-1C/COCTS
rs products were quantitatively evaluated in the four optical water types. As a result
good correlation between satellite and in-situ
rs data was indicated as R values among four types water ranged from 0.680 to 0.879. In type A water
the relatively good consistency between satellite and in-situ
rs data was observed as average percent difference (PD) at 6.79%
and the average absolute percent difference (APD) at 38.79%. In type B water
slight overestimation of satellite data occurred with PD at 18.73% and APD less than 45%. Underestimation of satellite data was reported in type C water
as negative remote sensing
rs data in 412 nm and 443 nm bands were with PD at -14.38% and APD at 47.14%. Similarly
in type D water
rs in 412 nm and 443 nm bands were with PD at -32.35%
and APD at 47.14%
indicating significant underestimation from the satellite data. In addition
difference of accuracy performance of
rs products in different bands of COCTS for four water types was also observed.
rs presented good consistency between in situ and COCTS data in band 412 nm and 443 nm for type A water. Better consistency in band 520 nm and 565 nm was observed for type C
D water than type A water while significant underestimation of COCTS
rs were reported in all four types of water compared to in situ data. Overall
COCTS and in situ
rs data showed good consistency in clean water
but remained relatively inconsistent in turbid water. Our results also reported that the COCTS inversed
rs products are slightly overestimated compared with the AERONET-OC in situ data in type A and B water. In contrast
COCTS products slightly underestimated
rs for type C water but significantly underestimated for type D water. Attention should also be paid to enlarge the evaluated errors
as the AERONET-OC in-situ spectral data was linearly interpolated to match COCTS band. In the future
the hyperspectral in-situ
rs data should be used to further evaluate the performance of COCTS.
HY-1CCOCTSremote sensing reflectanceAERONET-OCvalidation
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