Multitype inland water atmospheric correction and water quality estimation based on HY-1C CZI images
- Vol. 27, Issue 1, Pages: 79-91(2023)
Published: 07 January 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20235010
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Published: 07 January 2023 ,
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张方方,李俊生,王超,王胜蕾,王正,张兵.2023.基于HY-1C卫星CZI影像的多类型内陆水体大气校正及水质参数反演.遥感学报,27(1): 79-91
Zhang F F,Li J S,Wang C,Wang S L,Wang Z and Zhang B. 2023. Multitype inland water atmospheric correction and water quality estimation based on HY-1C CZI images. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(1):79-91
海洋一号C星(HY-1C)上搭载的海岸带成像仪(CZI)在内陆水体水色遥感应用方面具有较大潜力。目前,HY-1C CZI影像在内陆水体的大气校正和水质反演研究较少,仍然需要解决适用于不同类型内陆水体的大气校正和水质参数建模等问题。因此,本研究在华北平原的小浪底水库、官厅水库、丹江口水库、白龟山水库、白洋淀5个不同浑浊程度的湖泊和水库开展了星地同步实验,获取了85个采样点的水面遥感反射率光谱和水质参数实测数据。发展了基于Sentinel-2 MSI影像均匀不变地物的HY-1C CZI影像相对大气校正算法和系统定标模型。HY-1C CZI的蓝、绿、红、近红外波段遥感反射率反演平均无偏相对误差(AURE)分别为14.7%、11.2%、28.9%、41.7%,蓝、绿、红波段的大气校正精度相对较高;此外,大气校正与实测光谱的相关系数
的平均值为0.978,光谱角度距离(SAD)的平均值为0.109,说明大气校正遥感反射率光谱形状与实测光谱一致性较高。基于实测数据构建了叶绿素a浓度和透明度反演模型,经独立数据验证,HY-1C CZI影像叶绿素a浓度反演的AURE为33.8%,均方根误差(RMSE)为4.8 μg/L;透明度反演的AURE为25.0%,RMSE为34.9 cm。结果表明,HY-1C CZI影像可以应用于华北平原多个类型内陆水体的水质参数反演。
The Coastal Zone Imager (CZI) on HY-1C has great potential in the application of water color remote sensing for inland water. At present
few studies exist on the atmospheric correction and water quality estimation of HY-1C CZI images in inland water
and problems
such as the lack of atmospheric correction and water quality estimation models applicable to different types of inland water
still need to be solved. Therefore
in this study
a synchronization experiment was carried out on five lakes and reservoirs with different turbidity degrees in the North China Plain: Xiaolangdi Reservoir
Guanting Reservoir
Danjiangkou Reservoir
Baikushan Reservoir
and Baiyangdian Lake. The surface remote sensing reflectance spectra and typical water quality parameters of 85 sampling points were obtained. The relative atmospheric correction algorithm for HY-1C CZI images based on Sentinel-2 MSI images and system calibration model were developed. The average unbiased relative errors (AUREs) of remote sensing reflectance estimation in blue
and near-infrared bands of HY-1C CZI are 14.7%
and 41.7%
respectively. The atmospheric correction accuracy of blue
and red bands is relatively high. In addition
the mean value of correlation coefficient between atmospheric correction and measured spectra is 0.978
and the mean value of spectral angle distance is 0.109
indicating that the shape of the reflectance spectra of atmospheric correction is consistent with that of the measured spectra. The estimation models of chlorophyll-a concentration and Secchi disk depth were established on the basis of the measured data. The AURE of chlorophyll-a concentration estimation from HY-1C CZI images is 33.8%
and the root-mean-square error (RMSE) is 4.8 μg/L. The AURE and RMSE of Secchi disk depth estimation are 25.0% and 34.9 cm
respectively. The results show that HY-1C CZI images can be applied to the water quality estimation of multiple inland water bodies in the North China Plain.This method solved the problem of water atmospheric correction when HY-1C lacks short wave infrared band by borrowing Sentinel-2 MSI data. And realized the bottleneck of high-precision water remote sensing reflectance calculation of 4-band multispectral images
and improves the quantitative processing and the application level of water color remote sensing of HY-1C data.
HY-1C CZI内陆水体大气校正叶绿素透明度
HY-1C CZIinland wateratmospheric correctionChlorophyll-asecchi disk depth
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