Heihe remote sensing experiments: Retrospect and prospect
- Vol. 27, Issue 2, Pages: 224-248(2023)
Published: 07 February 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20235013
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Published: 07 February 2023 ,
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李新,刘绍民,柳钦火,肖青,车涛,马明国,晋锐,冉有华,闻建光,徐自为,李增元.2023.黑河遥感试验:回顾与展望.遥感学报,27(2): 224-248
Li X,Liu S M,Liu Q H,Xiao Q,Che T,Ma M G,Jin R,Ran Y H,Wen J G,Xu Z W and Li Z Y. 2023. Heihe remote sensing experiments: Retrospect and prospect. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(2):224-248
Earth observation systems are one of the cornerstones of Earth system science
and some milestone observational experiments have contributed greatly to the maturation of Earth system science and its research methodology. Among these observational experiments
remote sensing experiments have always played a key role. The Heihe remote sensing experiment is a large-scale and multidisciplinary satellite-airborne-ground integrated remote sensing experiment conducted from 2007 to 2017 in the Heihe River Basin
a typical inland river basin in China. The main scientific objectives are to observe the ecohydrological processes in the mountainous cryosphere
artificial oasis
and natural oasis in the Heihe River Basin. It was implemented in two stages: the Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research (WATER) and the Heihe Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research (HiWATER). More than 670 researchers participated in the Heihe remote sensing experiment
and more than 650 experimental datasets have been shared open and free. Characterized by capturing heterogeneities of complex land surfaces of the entire river basin
the Heihe remote sensing experiment has made breakthroughs in developing innovative multiscale observation methods
improving quantitative remote sensing models
and enhancing the applicability of remote sensing in ecohydrological studies. Overall
these progresses have led to a deeper harmonization of quantitative remote sensing and integrated ecohydrological research.
This paper reviews Heihe remote sensing experiments and prospects for the future development of experimental remote sensing. Aiming to address the scientific challenges of developing scaling methods
measuring heterogeneity
and quantifying uncertainties
we have made the following advances in Heihe remote sensing experiments. (1) Innovative observation methods such as integrated satellite-airborne-ground observation
nested multiscale point-footprint-watershed-basin observation
wireless sensor network observation
and flux matrix observation methods have been invented or refined into maturation. (2) A variety of multisource remote sensing cooperative inversion methods
e.g. different spatial resolutions
polar and geostationary orbits
and active and passive sensors
have been developed. In particular
radiative transfer models for heterogeneous land surfaces have been established and validated. (3) Systematic advances in remote sensing data product validation technology
including optimal sampling
and upscaling of in situ observations to pixel-scale truth
have been achieved and verified. (4) More than 10 types of high-resolution ecohydrological remote sensing data products over heterogeneous land surfaces
such as precipitation
snow cover
soil moisture
and net primary productivity
have been produced at the river basin scale. Moreover
based on our integrated ecohydrological models
the hydrological cycles at different scales were closed
the oasis-desert interaction mechanism was revealed
and a diagnostic equation to close the energy balance of the eddy covariance system was proposed.
the integrated observation system of the Heihe River basin is operating by taking the heritage of the Heihe remote sensing experiment. The Heihe River basin observation system will continue to support the development of new theories and methods of Earth observation technologies and serve the exploration and practice of watershed science and regional sustainable development.
Heihe river basinremote sensing experimentwatershed observing systemmulti-scale observationairborne remote sensingquantitative remote sensingscale transformationremote sensing productsvalidation of remote sensing productswatershed scienceecohydrology
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