1:250,000 Geological Map Compilation and Research of the Nectaris Quadrangle (LQ-20) on the Moon
- Pages: 1-13(2024)
Published Online: 02 April 2024
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20243512
Published Online: 02 April 2024 ,
刘敬稳,刘建忠,朱凯,张敬宜,张珂,吴聪哲,雷丹泓.XXXX.1:250万月球酒海幅(LQ-20)地质图编研.遥感学报,XX(XX): 1-13
LIU Jingwen,LIU Jianzhong,ZHU Kai,ZHANG Jingyii,ZHANG Ke,WU Congzhei,LEI Danhong. XXXX. 1:250,000 Geological Map Compilation and Research of the Nectaris Quadrangle (LQ-20) on the Moon. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, XX(XX):1-13
Based on the Chang'E lunar exploration data and other lunar geological data
the team led by the Institute of Geochemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has compiled a series of lunar global geological maps. These maps include a 1:2
000-scale global geologic map
a digital global lithologic map
and a global tectonic map. At the same time
30 lunar quadrangle geological maps were also compiled
including the LQ-20 Nectaris Quadrangle map. The LQ-20 map is eye-catching because it depicts the impact event of the Mare Nectaris Basin
which divided the Nectarian and Aitkenian periods
during the Nectarium classic formation event.This article provides a detailed overview of the development history of lunar geological mapping. It discusses the various geological features observed in the LQ-20
including rock types
impact basins
crater materials
and structural characteristics:12 rock types
basin formations on 8 impact basins
crater materials from 260 impact craters
and 16 types of structural characteristics
which covering geological information in the sixth periods.Finally
we discussed the regional geological evolution history of the LQ-20 map from the Magmatic Oceanic Period to the Copernican Period. We also compared the expression of geological features in the LQ-20 map to that of the USGS lunar geological map
highlighting the differences and advantages: the fundamental distinction in conveying geological information lies in the comprehensive establishment and systematic representation of the overall lunar geological processes as an integrated geological system; this involves providing a clear explanation of the geological causes for each unit
ensuring that each geological feature conveys its origin; furthermore
each region is characterized by a distinct hierarchy of geological units arranged in chronological order. This project would provide lunar geological background information for lunar exploration
scientific research
and related endeavors
benefiting not only China but also the global communities.
lunar geological mapLQ-20Mare NectarisRemote Sensing InterpretationGeological Evolution History
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